*Website Currently Under Construction. Official Launch will be Spring 2018. After all, we are twin parents, too!*

Thank you for visiting the Ultimate Twin Resource Website!

After getting pregnant with twins, my husband and I began looking everywhere we could to get as much information as possible on twins (all the way from being pregnant, to birthing them, to raising them). Being the extreme planners that we are – I wanted to know everything. With my singleton (term used for having only one baby at a time, aka, much more time on your hands) pregnancies and births – I found unlimited resources. Seriously, more books, websites, and resources than you could ever read. However, when I got pregnant with twins, it was actually hard to find information. On the famous baby websites and in books, twins pregnancy and birth information was kind of like a side note in the very back of book, with maybe 2 pages – right behind the ‘Sucks to be you’ tab.

The only way I could get the information I needed was by joining random Facebook pages and asking other moms who have gone through the same thing. The sweetest, most patient moms, who (due to limited available resources) have answered the same questions a thousand times, questions like, “can I have a natural vaginal birth with twins,” “how do you nurse twins,” “how do we get our twins to sleep at the same time,” etc. It was obvious something needed to be done to provide moms and dads more information on this very unique journey. Thus, the birth (pun intended) of this website.

We want to provide a place where twin moms and dads can come and learn about life with twins – all from other parents who have been there before. We want this page to be a one-stop shop for all things twins – pregnancy, birth, raising them, loving them, tools and items to buy to make your life easier! We want your stories and suggestions on our site! This is a webiste for twin parents, by twin parents. We want this to be a community for this awesome blessing we have been given – twins.







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